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The Nigerian Green Youths Foundation
slogan: Advocating Postive Leadership and Environmental safety
The Nigerian Green Youths Foundation is a Not for Profit Organization and an initiative that was created since 2010, participating in youth development, training, re-orientation as well as funding youth lead programs before it became fully founded and gave birth to its key vision and objective in 2015 and since then has been mandated to carry out programs and project involving youth development. Some of these programs include: Advocating Positive Leadership among young people between the ages of 14-35 as well as others. Promote Environmental Safety and health by reaching out to less privilege individuals and 90% of Nigerian citizens in academic institutions, market places, small organization who lack the ability to afford medical check-up. Train young people between the ages of 14-35 in entrepreneurship skills and development in order to foster self-employment and self reliance etc. As it is already becoming obvious in some developing countries that 90% of people who get ill, get ill as a result of certain life style and the sort of environmental condition they put themselves or found themselves especially in developing countries like Nigeria, hence the need to carry-out Preventive health care program that will help young people and other age group the opportunity to know their health status cannot be over emphasized. This has resulted in more preventive action rather than a corrective one. Out of 100 percent graduates every year only 20-30 percent get to be employed in companies, organizations and industries while 50 percent of those already employed lose their job to go look for another after roughly a year eiher due to companies folding up or decline in the employability gradient, hence no job security, however with entrepreneurship training and basic re-orientation and vocational training a lot of young people are developing on their own and on their hidden talents and funding this youths has kept them engaged, Undergoing advocacy and positive leadership training, workshop, summits and meetings has helped us deliver to young people as well as the young minded youths the leadership skill they need to stay at the top of the chart in their career, jobs, business and endeavour. Environmental health and Safety is an important topic globally today with nations logging trees, heavy wave of deforestation, emission of incomplete combustion of carbon from vehicles, the greenhouse effect, eutrophication, more forest are being consumed by industries with interest for profit, bad waste disposal system, bush burning, defective agricultural practice resulting to infertile land. All this has brought about uncontrollable and most incurable diseases today, discomfort in many human and animal habitation etc, loss of rear species etc. Having carried out environmental programs and participated in many other national and international training on environmental sustainability it has made it possible for us to strengthen and structure our advocacy program as well as affiliate with other organization in educating the public, government, adult, young people and children as they are the leaders of today and must be found in a good healthy condition to fulfil the goals of leadership.
The Nigerian Green Youths Foundation (NGYF) for short is known as a youth lead organization mostly comprising of youths and the young minded with interest in Entrepreneurship Development, Environmental Sustainability as well as Safety and Health Preventive Program. NGYF is encompassed with young men and women with exceptional academic performance and talent as well as with passion for the vision and mission of the organization. Hence we offer services of professional portfolio NGYF is a Not for Profit Organization mandated to provide entrepreneurship training for young people and the likes in partnership with other organization which have shown excellence in their area of expertise. NGYF is also affiliated with other organization in order to foster adequate youth development as well as provide various mediums with which youth lead organization, individuals, young minded men and women businesses, and associate can grow and benefit.
Commitment to people,
value younger generation,
value integrity,
support growth,
support professionalism,
suport loyality and consistancy.
Fujah Oladipo is the founder and CEO of The Nigerian Green Youths Foundation.
I will like to welcome you to the platform of greatness and
champions where we build minds and mentor men and women hungry to fullfill destiny and develop their skills for greater works in Christ Jesus. I encourage you to
contact us if you have any questions about our project and what we do, i also urge you to adopt the habit of reading, because unseen secret capable of changing your
life can be found in books. One of those books is a list of my ebooks titled:
Digital Literacy In Entrepreneurship which promises to move you from where you are to an Unprecedented height. To successfully achieve this click on the
ORDER BUTTON below and follow the instruction to make your order and get your free copy as a gift from us to you. Thanks for visiting our website.
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Our vision statement is Advocate and reach out to as many disadvantaged youths and less privileged people in
Nigeria and the Globe with Development programs, Skills, Health programs and Environmental sustainability through commitment and professionalism.
To advocate and provide Health, environmental services and entrepreneurship skills to young people and the likes all over Nigeria and the world as a whole.
Contact us
Office Address
No 07 Famuyiwa Street,
Abule Tuntun B/S, Alakuko,
Alagbado, Lagos
A ©Copyright of
Nigerian Green Youths Foundation 2022
Website developed by:
 Oxygen Dynamic Project Managers Ltd
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